vineri, 30 martie 2018



Cati dintre noi nu si au dorit un ceas
Un ceas de tihna un ceas de bun ramas
Un ceas ramas in al copilariei impas
Cand ne ntepam in nas cu un compas
Am aparut cu toti tot intr un ceas
Ceas de iubire un ceas de pripas
Iubita mama cand fara glas a ramas
Si la ureche mi a spus din brate nu te las
Am fost mereu plecat dar dupa ceas
Eram intreaga zi la joaca in oras
Cioburi de lut din toate au ramas
Am mers la scoala tot tot dupa un ceas
Nu prea eram atent ci ma uitam la ceas
Duminica mereu eram la cules
Pe frig pe ploaie imbracati cu fes
Strangeam gratis ce mai pica pe jos
Nu aveam minge pentru mana mea
Nu aveam ceas sa mearga n apa
Nu conta cine si cum va marca
Stii mingii d alea ce nu le poti apara
Si ca elev un ceas nou daca s avea
Lumea i mareata lumea ar fi a mea
Gasit prin pod ori pe altundeva
N am mai vazut de mult asa ceva
Si mie draga tata daca mi l vei da
In veci voi fi cuminte si te voi asculta
Ia dragul tatii ia ceasul vechi al meu
E Tellus elvetian si e precis mereu
Numai de il atingi cand iti va fi greu
Necazul iti dispare in zbor ca un zmeu
Sa l porti mandru si chiar daca e vechi
El un divin tic tac tic tac iti bate in urechi
Asa cum vezi oamenii mereu perechi
El bate viata inca din timpurile vechi
O draga tati ce frumos este pe mana
Oare o merge la fel de bine in fantana
Antimagnetic e din materie buna
Automatic oo ce look aristocratic
Curea de piele faina si antiacvatic
Ma bucur ca iti place ceasul drag baiat
E totusi un ceas vechi nu cum ai asteptat
Eram student cand mi l am cumparat
O bursa pe un an eu pe ceas am dat
Daca intr o zi eu nu oi mai fi
Te uiti la ceas te vei inveseli
Are trei limbi mare si mica magarul
Iar cea de se invarte este secundarul
E mare lucru n viata sa ai un asa ceas
Il privesti pe loc in timp fix ai ramas
In fata ta iti vezi marirea n viitor
In spate ti vezi trecutul pe mine daca mor
Sus ceruri albastre in care zburam cu spor
Aici in mijloc suntem de mana amandoi
Dam bice timpului si tinem moartea in noroi
Nimic nu ne intrece nimeni nu mai e ca noi
In jurul nostru fulgerele sunt usori fiori
Deasupra cerurilor nu mai sunt ciori
Numai o mare calda de poezie si culori
Si noi in mijloc in axul marelui ceas
Ne revedem continuu ne spunem bun ramas
Ne apropiem si departam la fiecare pas
Ne invartim continuu e tot ce ne a ramas
In universul paralel al vietii noastre
Pe cerul deasupra marii verzi albastre
Inainte de ultimul nostru bun ramas
Am fost tata si fiu acum piese de ceas

Lucaci Florentin
Creator Author
Copyright 2018

LUCACI FLORENTIN Copyright Lucaci Florentin
Lucrează la Design Engineering ltd
Locuiește în Bucuresti, Romania
42 de persoane interesate|215.918 afișări

vineri, 9 martie 2018


MIXED BEE (Africanized Bee)

Why I have been blind
Care you in my mind
With no beauties behind
Disable me hard to find
A white one not a kind
Of mixed rases behind
Gipsy with false name
Virgin without a shame
There is you I can blame
Feeling love you in vane
My soul was like a plane
Falling as by steel made
Stoped there in one time
Above earth and behind
Skies and hearts wine
Frozen dreams arrive
Killed love as a crime
You told me I am the one
And will not let me down
Played me like a scam
You look like peter pan
Told me you want a family
Made me loose all gravity
Now the other side of me
Hates you and sure will be
Perfect storm and than we
Both again will sing free
Our love or secret places
We visited quick races
Our nights bad dreams
With cried wet hot faces
Singing free laid in bed
Feeling love very mad
Deep fast and so strong 
Our feelings be among
Body fights not very long
I knew you are not true
I passed hard through
Your lies and disgrace
But we reach in a place
Where your love dead
Your heart suspended
I see blood in your eyes
And a devil in disguise
Using a mouse as knife
Force me make you wife
If I do not respond these
And care you like priest
You killed me like a beast
From back dancing twist
Push in error every jurist
Knowing you a mixed rases
Dark and ugly top to bases
Dirty very bad all days
Chanel for you prays
No solution has for you
Gipsy smell is very true
Why you ve learn so much
To be a club escort such
Every laisy country girls
Excited with false pearls
Seen at talks or interviews
Bad voice same old news
Pretending be a shiny star
Not a common one you are
Leaving all like a bazar lady
No explain no ready steady
People looking you as freak
Having in her bottom a stick
No you are too much for me
Nightmare don t wanna see
Go in your mixed rases free
Want good wife no mixed bee

Author Creator
Copyright 2018

vineri, 2 martie 2018



She s known everywhere on Earth
I know her from the day I was birth
She s known anywhere in Greece
With her top songs of love or peace
She s known in all inner universes
With her magic voice bring hapiness
Alkistis is the golden voice lady
Her life she sings not for a penny
Alkistis is the beautiful smart woman
Her art is perfect no need be proven
As little girl Alkistis lived the history
Lived in the Sun of top humanity
She breath the air of Ancient Egipt
Saw the buldings that faraons edict
She smell the life as poor can be
Not in movies or shows but in reality
Alkistis then moved to her land Greece
And grow up with olives and oranges
Her looks turned into a lovely lady
Who sing by heart and her soul ready
For a top carier of musician steady
Beatiful face and eyes that cut the air
Beautiful body with exciting shapes
You fell vibrating all on music near
The heart of Ellada and it s braves
Alkistis is the voice of deep love
A woman can feel for her man one
Alkistis is the song of the life poor
A woman voice near her man at floor
Alkistis is the heart that many lost
In modern world dusty and frost
Alkistis is the wine of happy life
Near your children and good wife
Alkistis is the medicin of wounded
Who lost somebody closed grounded
Alkistis is the light of performance
Of hard sports and both romance
Imagine how the olimpic games
Can start without Alkistis voices
She has no one voice she has more
Of wind rain forest and of shore
You want to hear in dreams her voice
You desire all her songs no choice
Alkistis is the deepest vocal artist
Can make your skin vibrating twist
Can make your eyes cry like a fool
Can make you child from a man cool
A lady of music but a good familist
Beautiful smart but very modest
Sincere smiling faithfull and onest
I saw her in luxurious places singing
All were above their chairs astonishing
All were in other time and place
The time of gratitude and of grace
The place where only Alkistis have ace
I wonder how can she be so high
How can she be so perfect and why
Search in deep forest her angel and cry
When Alkistis means fly high in blue sky